Culture and God - We were born with hunger for God...

"If you have 2 loaves of bread, sell one and buy a lily."
"At the end of the day, all that matters is the beauty of the Lord." Jesus is the Lily of the Valley, the Rose of Sharon, the Beautiful One!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fly HIgh - A Poem of Our College Students Leaving

Fly High
(Our College Students Leaving)
Ana Maria Blevins
Sept. 13, 2010

It's hard to let slip the golden shimmering to slip from the hold to allow
the heads are so beautiful, so beautiful when they dance
the legs are so lovely, so lovely when they dance
born to me, and born again
little women and little men
they filled my house with sound and speed
In broken ways, I met their need
and they're gone
I ache for their soaring, I pray for their graceful ascent
In their defining, themselves, I see what they meant.
But I am feeling the tearing the lifting the rend
The figure it rises and leaves behind the mold...
How can I play their music?
and it rises to fill all I have
the songs they created hold tight and fill me again and again

every doe loves its fawn
the tender softness in the light in the dawn
smelling the softness of them knowing their heartbeat touching yours
and when they run we rejoice
I gave my life for them to find a voice
to dance to joy
to play in the light on the forest floor
dance some more,
dance some more
I know your hearts are eternal in the song that you chose to sing
you've seen the dancing lights, seen the Beautiful One,
your light is strong
How could you Dance so strong?
We gave you the wings we borrowed
but how could we know how high you'd fly?
How could you soar?
I want to see you more...
I miss you-
But fly high. Fly high!
You were my little one, and now you can flyhigh.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Deliverance-No More Money for Planned Parenthood

Barnes & Noble won't carry their founder's books-they're too racist...Their clinics are located predominantly in minority neighborhoods and 65% of the children killed by abortion are black... They've run school programs for decades to brainwash kids from K-middle school so they could have pregnant teens to sell abortions to...They've protected rapists of minors (statutory rapists)...They've protected Sex Traffickers who enslave minor girls and prostitute them...They've operated without any health organization regulating them, making sure that the women receiving abortions were protected, for decades...They've run forced abortion programs in China, with U.S. taxpayer money, where women were monitored, and if they missed a period and already had a child,  they would be hauled into the clinic by police, and their child would be killed and taken. And now the U.S. House of Representatives has decided, No More Taxpayer Money.
    If Planned Parenthood staff wanted to help women, it's unfathomable that they would operate their clinics like so many concentration camps, with shrewd business-mindedness, and Las Vegas style marketing.  As abortion radicals, they have opposed women's right to know what the baby looked like, or any information that would deter a woman from choosing to have her baby killed by abortion.  As another said, they believed that women had a "constitutional right to a dead baby". Neither information of the baby's development and person hood, nor health concerns (abortions in young women without a pregnancy carried to term in the next few years, greatly increase her chances of getting breast cancer in her late 30's and 40's when she has a family who needs her) neither of these have been seen as legitimate needs.
    The overwhelming principle that Planned Parenthood has demonstrated is their desire for profit. The lack of counselling before abortions, lack of support after an abortion, and denial of the trauma of abortion, comprise a picture of a network that is truly a Genteel Genocide Giant.  Accepted in our communities for almost a hundred years, supported by tax dollars, they have operated in a haze of approval and propaganda that will give research writers something to write about for the next hundred years.  How they have managed to exist and suck up funds like a virus sucks protein out of living cells, is a nefarious and mind-boggling story, that the world will be hearing about, finally, for a long, long time.  The troops have just arrived at Auschwitz. Get ready to witness the genocide in Planned Parenthood's camps.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How God reveals Himself to Young People who are Adrift

Here is the link: